صورة مجهرية ل بيضة بداخلها كتكوت تظهر الأوعية الدموية حول الجنين وهو فى إطار التكوين بعد يومين من الإخصاب. تم حقن البيضة بفلورست ديكستران لكشف الأوعية الدموية التى يستخدمها الجنين فى تغذية نفسه والموجودة بصفار البيضة . يمكنك رؤية رأس الجن...
ين والعين والدماغ وكامل الجزء العلوى بينما الجزء السفلى مازال فى إطار التطوير
سبحان الله
Chicken embryo: This fluorescence micrograph shows the vascular system of a developing chicken embryo (Gallus gallus), two days after fertilisation. Injecting fluorescent dextran revealed the entire vasculature used by the embryo to feed itself from the rich underlying yolk inside the egg. The image shows the central chicken embryo surrounded by veins and arteries. The head of the embryo, including the embryonic eye and brain, can be seen on the upper part of the embryo, just above the embryonic heart. The long lower part of the embryo is the future body of the chicken, from which legs and wings will develop. At this stage of development, the embryo and its surrounding vasculature are a little smaller than a 5p coin
سبحان الله
Chicken embryo: This fluorescence micrograph shows the vascular system of a developing chicken embryo (Gallus gallus), two days after fertilisation. Injecting fluorescent dextran revealed the entire vasculature used by the embryo to feed itself from the rich underlying yolk inside the egg. The image shows the central chicken embryo surrounded by veins and arteries. The head of the embryo, including the embryonic eye and brain, can be seen on the upper part of the embryo, just above the embryonic heart. The long lower part of the embryo is the future body of the chicken, from which legs and wings will develop. At this stage of development, the embryo and its surrounding vasculature are a little smaller than a 5p coin
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